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'The most important thing we ever do is to understand you - our clients, your objectives, your people and your current approach to making sales.'


 Our approach to fully understanding how we can work with you to improve your sales performance is DECIDER™. In practical terms it's the journey we take with you to ensure thorough analysis and evaluation.



In simple terms, we want to Discover everything we can about you from multiple viewpoints. We achieve this by building rapport and Engaging with your people at all levels. We need to build rapport and trust so that we can Challenge by asking searching questions with absolute respect and integrity. We look for opportunities to Immerse ourselves in the day-to-day activities and occurrences which enable, restrict or drive sales opportunities. We love to observe sales people whenever possible and we do so with care and consideration.


We are constantly aware of our need to Deliver, and we do so in the way which suits your preferences. Of course we can write a report, but we relish the opportunity to present, discuss and debate our findings, observations and thoughts with key stakeholders and decision makers. We compare your current approach to the RESPECT philosophy and approach and provide an assessment of how your people stack up to the high standard of ‘selling without selling’.


Ultimately, we move into Executing a programme of action to transform your sales results. Our engagement with you could include any combination of the following:

  • Process and systems review and up-date

  • Observing your people leading to feedback and coaching

  • Sales leadership coaching and training interventions

  • Sales people coaching and training interventions

  • Reducing silos, building cross-function collaboration

  • RESPECT Tele-sales / tele-marketing training, coaching, support

  • RESPECT Sales simulations with professional actors

  • RESPECT Workshops & courses

  • RESPECT Accredited programmes

  • Distance / remote learning programme delivery and ongoing support

  • "Just-In-Time" Mobile learning support

  • Sales process creation

  • White-labelled / branded sales process implementation

  • Writing your sales manual / sales training manuals

  • Train the sales trainer workshops and programmes


Plan, do, Review is crucial so we establish a method and cadence for regular progress review, set against the objectives and success measures agreed at outset. We are nothing if not flexible, so the ability to review regularly and tweak an approach or plan, is key to flexing to the needs of the sales function.

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